With an abundance of Hot Wheels around the world, collectors' original and creative custom collections often end up in flea markets, antique stores, or sometimes even trash cans.
It would be wonderful if there is a dedicated place to preserve and display many nice and unique Hot Wheels for future generations to see.

Latest Collections

Favorites Collections


It is a wonderful way for your unwanted or favorite Hot Wheels collections to find a new home in my collections and be preserved for generations to see.
Donors will get the credit to read. For example, "Gift of Mr. Your name" or "Donated in Memory of Your name".
Please reach me via email at hotwheels.1314@gmail.com for further information.

Generous donation from an anonymous person on December 2017

Generous donation from an anonymous person on April 2018


I made this website base on HTML page because to easy move from 1 free web host to other free web host.
For now, it host at DriveToWeb and Google drive.

Last updated: March 2024
- 1,780 items preserved, 956 of them is unique.
- I changed my site design and slowly converting some of my site pages.

Page design timeline 2014-2024





I welcome constructive suggestions and questions.
Your valuable comments, suggestions and questions can reach me via email at hotwheels.1314@gmail.com